O estirador enche-se de pranchas de romanos em fuga no ano de 64 dC, estamos na recta final do desenho, mas ainda há muita acção e drama para desenhar.
Mas como não quero deixar o blog sem novidades, destaco uma participação minha num blog dedicado ao universo visual de Jack Kirby, Kirby-Vision, gerido por Jason Garrattley, a quem agradeço o gesto.
O retrato do Darkseid foi originalmente feito para o meu blog Fistful of Fanart, mas assenta bem no meio de todos os belos tributos ao Rei dos Comics.
Outra notícia, desta feita má, é o falecimento de uma grande influência no meu trabalho.
Descanse em Paz, Jeffrey Catherine Jones.
Espero ter mais novidades em breve.
It's been about two months since my last post, which is in a way a good sign that there's little time to stop and share some news because there's a lot of work to be done.
The drawingboard is filling up with pages of romans in the year of 64 AD, we're approaching the home stretch of the drawing stage, but there's still a lot of action and drama to sketch out.
But I don't want to leave the blog newsless, so I'm pointing out a little entry of mine on a blog dedicated to the visual universe of Jack Kirby, Kirby_Vision, run by Jason Garrattley, to whom I thank for the gesture.
The portrait of Darkseid was done for my blog Fistful of Fanart, but it fits nicely among the great tributes to the King of Comics.
Another piece of news, this time one of the bad kind, is the passing of a big influence in my own work.
Rest on Peace, Jeffrey Catherine Jones.
I hope to bring you more good news real soon.