Thursday, December 29, 2011


Último desenho de 2011, a pensar em ideias para 2012.
O ano que passa trouxe algumas vitórias e algumas lições.
Vamos ver o que traz o ano que vem.

Entrem bem em 2012.
Vêmo-nos do outro lado.

Last drawing of 2011, thinking about ideas for 2012.
The year that ends brought some victories and some lessons.
Let's see what the new year brings.

Start 2012 well.
I'll see you on the other side.

Happy 2012

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Kurosawa for BNN

Aqui vai algo para o fim de semana prolongado.
O último desafio para o Brand New Nostalgia, Akira Kurosawa.

Eu escolhi os Sete Samurais, o meu Kurosawa preferido.

Here's something for the coming holiday weekend.
The latest challenge on Brand New Nostalgia, Akira Kurosawa.

I picked Seven Samurai, my favorite Kurosawa.

Kurosawa for BNN

Monday, November 28, 2011

Penthouse Forum

Foi breve a minha estadia no "Consultório" da edição portuguesa da Penthouse, ao fim da terceira ilustração, uma decisão editorial erradicou a secção da revista, mas fica a experiência de voltar a trabalhar em editorial.

Aqui fica a última ilustração que fiz, que saiu na edição deste mês, com o tema "Pisar o Risco" sobre tentações no local de trabalho.

My stint on the Forum of the portugues edition of Penthouse magazine turned out to be a brief one, after my third illustration, an editorial decision scrapped the section from the magzine, but it was worth the experience of getting back to work in editorial.

Here is my last illustration, which came out in this month's issue, with the theme "Crossing the Line" about temptations in the work place.

Penthouse Forum

Monday, November 14, 2011

Brand New Nostalgia - Updates

As últimas semanas têm sido ocupadas com algum trabalho de escrita de ideias futuras e pequenas mudanças em casa que parecem não acabar, por isso, tem faltado cabeça para a Net, e mais propriamente para actualizar o blog com novidades.
Mesmo assim, aqui vão as últimas imagens que tenho feito para o Brand New Nostalgia que se têm acumulado no arquivo "A postar online".

Continuem a visitar o nosso Tumblr ou página da DeviantArt para estar a par dos temas semanais.
Hoje começa um tema novo, Jack Kirby!

The latest weeks have been filled with some writing work on some ideas for the future and some small home changes which don't want to end any time soon, so I haven't had much headspace for the Web, specially for updating the blog with news.
However, here are the latest pieces I've submited to Brand New Nostalgia which have been pilling up on the "to post online" folder.

Keep checking our Tumblr or DeviantArt page for the weekly themes.
Today starts a new theme, Jack Kirby!

Wrestling for BNN
Dreadmon for BNN
Horror for BNN

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Storyboard Kandando 7

Outro storyboard que fiz, com o respectivo filme referente à campanha "Kandando 7" do Millennium Angola, produzida pela Sumo Publicidade.
Participação de Yola Semedo.

Another storyboard I did a while back, with the resulting ad movie, related to the "Kandando 7" campaign from Millennium Angola, and produced by Sumo Publicidade.
Featuring Yola Semedo.

Storyboard for Millenium Angola "7"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A 2ª semana de Brand New Nostalgia está aí e a minha peça para o tema "Wrestling" irá para o ar daqui a pouco, por isso, nada melhor do que postar aqui a primeira peça que fiz para o grupo, com o tema "Rock".

Bom exercício semanal.

The 2nd week of Brand New Nostalgia is here and my piece for the theme "Wrestling" will be up in a while, so nothing better than to post here my first piece for the group, with theme "Rock".

Nice weekly workout.

Rock for BNN

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Uma das principais fontes de rendimento que tenho é o trabalho de storyboard que faço para algumas agências e produtoras aqui em Lisboa.
Normalmente é trabalho que é entregue e arrumado numa gaveta, para nunca mais ver a luz do dia.

Há dias, dei de caras com um dos anúncios que fiz há alguns meses no Youtube e decidi começar a caçar trabalhos que fiz para postá-los aqui no blog de vez em quando.
Aqui vai o primeiro, um trabalho para a TBWA Lisboa, para a campanha "E" da TMN.

One of my main income sources is my storyboard work I do for some agencies and film companies here in Lisbon.
Usually, it's the kind of work that gets shelved the moment it's delivered to the client, and it never sees the light of day again.

A couple of days ago, I ran into an ad I worked on a few months ago on Youtube and decided to start hunting down jobs I've done and post them here once in a while.
Here's the first one, a storyboard through TBWA Lisboa for the "E" campaign by TMN.

Storyboard work 1

Friday, October 07, 2011

Brand New Nostalgia

Há umas semanas atrás, recebi um convite através do meu colega de estúdio Jorge Coelho para integrar um novo projecto, na forma de um sketchblog com o nome de Brand New Nostalgia.
O blog será composto por um grupo de membros muito talentosos da DeviantArt, convidados pelos mentores do projecto, Andrew Ross MacLean e Brandon Clarke e o objectivo é mostrar as interpretações que cada membro dá a temas escolhidos semanalmente, um pouco à semelhança do que acontece noutros blogs do género (vejam o que se passa em blogs tipo Sindiecate, Comic Twart ou Bristolwhip, só para dar alguns exemplos).

Para já, o primeiro desafio que tivemos foi criar um banner individual para assinalar a semana de escolha de cada ilustrador. A minha contribuição está aqui embaixo.
A primeira semana começa já com a escolha do Jorge.
Estejam atentos ao que fazemos no Tumblr ou na DeviantArt.

A couple of weeks ago, I got an invitation through my studio mate Jorge Coelho to take part in a new project, in a shape of a sketchblog called Brand New Nostalgia.
The blog will be composed of some very talented members of DeviantArt, who were invited by the mentors of the project, Andrew Ross MacLean e Brandon Clarke and the goal of it all is to show the interpretations each member gives to a weekly theme, much like what happens in other sketchblogs (check out blogs like Sindiecate, Comic Twart ou Bristolwhip, just to name a few).

The first challenge we had was to create individual banners to be presented on our respective week picking a theme. My contribution is posted below.
The first week starts soon with Jorge's pick.
Stay tuned to what we do on Tumblr and DeviantArt.

BNN Banner

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rei Kirby | King Kirby

Um tributo um pouco atrasado ao dia de aniversário de Jack Kirby, a maior força de criação de super heróis de todos os tempos.
Ele faria 94 anos no passado dia 28 de Agosto.
De um rei para outro...

A bit late tribute to the birthday of Jack Kirby, the biggest creative force behind superheroes of all time.
He would be 94 years old this past August 28th.

From one king to another...

Happy Birthday, King Kirby!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cores Centurie | Centurie Colors

O meu colega no Centurie Des Convertis, Manuel Morgado fez dois videos do processo de cor das páginas que desenhei para o livro.
Depois de meses a ver tudo a preto e branco é interessante ver as mesmas imagens a ganharem outra vida com a cor.

Aqui ficam os videos.

Eu filmei partes de pranchas durante o processo de desenho, fiquei inspirado a fazer um video da minha parte do processo. Fiquem atentos.

My colleague in Centurie Des Convertis, Manuel Morgado, posted two clips of his coloring process on the pages I drew for the book.
After months seeing everything in black and white, it's interesting to see the same images getting a new life with color.

Here are the videos.

I shot parts of pages in the drawing stages, and this inspired me to make a video of my own with my side of the process. Stay tuned.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Fim | End

Ao fim de uns quantos meses a desenhar um projecto inspirado nos antigos Pepla romanos, eis que cheguei ao fim da viagem, e das 54 páginas que compõem o segundo volume de Centurie Des Convertis, a publicar pela editora Fauvard.
Obrigado ao Bruno Césard, argumentista e editor, e ao Manuel Morgado por me terem incluído neste projecto, e pela paciência e perseverança ao longo do processo.
Levou algum tempo a concluir e obrigou-me a um esforço maior do que esperava ao início, mas saí do projecto com algumas lições importantes para o futuro e um álbum que estreará algures em Setembro em França. Quem sabe venha a ser editado também em Portugal algum tempo depois.

Agora é tempo de lavar a vista e apontar baterias para um próximo projecto, já a carburar lentamente na minha cabeça.
Há muitas histórias a contar e muita vontade de voltar a perder-me num mar de pranchas.

At the end of quite a few months drawing a project inspired in the old Pepla romanos, I've finally come to end of the journey, and of the 54 pages which make up the second volume of Centurie Des Convertis, to be published by Fauvard.
Thank you to Bruno Césard, writer and editor, and Manuel Morgado for bringing me into this project, and for the patience and perseverance during the whole process.
It took a while to finish and it took more skills than I expected at first, but I came out of the project with a few good lessons for the future and an album which will debut in France sometime next September. Chances are it will be published also in Portugal soon after, we'll see.

Now it's time to rest my eyes and start pointing my guns to future projects, already slow burning in my head.
There are lots of stories to tell and a big hunger to dive into a sea of pages again.


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Dia da Criança | Children's Day

Num Dia Mundial da Criança a meio gás, perco-me em memórias da infância.
Queria viver em High Harbor...

Esboço de 10 minutos.

On a slow burning World Children's Day, I'm losing myself in child memories.
I want to live in High Harbor...

10 minute sketch.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Kirby Vision

Há praticamente dois meses que não actualizo este blog, o que por um lado é bom sinal, há pouco tempo para parar e dar notícias porque há trabalho a fazer.

O estirador enche-se de pranchas de romanos em fuga no ano de 64 dC, estamos na recta final do desenho, mas ainda há muita acção e drama para desenhar.

Mas como não quero deixar o blog sem novidades, destaco uma participação minha num blog dedicado ao universo visual de Jack Kirby, Kirby-Vision, gerido por Jason Garrattley, a quem agradeço o gesto.
O retrato do Darkseid foi originalmente feito para o meu blog Fistful of Fanart, mas assenta bem no meio de todos os belos tributos ao Rei dos Comics.

Outra notícia, desta feita má, é o falecimento de uma grande influência no meu trabalho.
Descanse em Paz, Jeffrey Catherine Jones.

Espero ter mais novidades em breve.

It's been about two months since my last post, which is in a way a good sign that there's little time to stop and share some news because there's a lot of work to be done.

The drawingboard is filling up with pages of romans in the year of 64 AD, we're approaching the home stretch of the drawing stage, but there's still a lot of action and drama to sketch out.

But I don't want to leave the blog newsless, so I'm pointing out a little entry of mine on a blog dedicated to the visual universe of Jack Kirby, Kirby_Vision, run by Jason Garrattley, to whom I thank for the gesture.
The portrait of Darkseid was done for my blog Fistful of Fanart, but it fits nicely among the great tributes to the King of Comics.

Another piece of news, this time one of the bad kind, is the passing of a big influence in my own work.
Rest on Peace, Jeffrey Catherine Jones.

I hope to bring you more good news real soon.

Darkseid by Ricardo Venâncio

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heroes In Need pt. 2

Lembram-se deste meu redesign do Fantasma?
Finalmente chegou à página do Project:Rooftop.
Obrigado ao pessoal do P:R pelos bons comentários à minha contribuição.

Para mais detalhes sobre o propósito do post, vejam a explicação neste link:

Remember this redesign I did for the Phantom?
It's finally up on the Project:Rooftop page.
Thanks to the P:R guys for the good reviews to my entry.

For more details on the purpose of the post, read the explanation on this link:


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Static: Redesign of the Cool

Há umas semanas, assinalei a morte do argumentista Dwayne McDuffie no blog Fistful of Fanart com um redesign de um dos seus personagens mais emblemáticos, Static, que submeti ao mesmo tempo para um evento a passar-se no site Project:Rooftop.

Esta semana foi a semana McDuffie no P:R e a minha entrada figurou na imensa lista de tributos a umas das mentes mais produtivas dos comics e animação americanas.

A few weeks ago, I marked the death of writer Dwayne McDuffie on the blog Fistful of Fanart with a redesign of one of his most emblematic characters, Static, which I also submitted to and event taking place on the site Project:Rooftop.

This week was McDuffie week on P:R and my entry was one among many tributes to one of the most productive minds in american comics and animation.

Static for FoF/Project Rooftop

Saturday, February 05, 2011


Fazendo 33 anos hoje, pensei em colocar aqui uma história curta sobre a minha vida com um lápis na mão, que fiz o ano passado para a exposição colectiva do TLS no passado mês de Maio.
Já são uns anos a traçar linhas e sonhos.
E ainda a viagem vai a meio.
Vamos ver onde nos leva.

Today I'm 33 years old, so I thought about posting a little short story about my life with a pencil on my hand that I did for the collective exhibition of the TLS in Beja last May.
I've been sketching lines and dreams for a good amount of years now.
And we're still halfway through this journey.
Let's see where it takes us.

Life line 1
Life line 2
Life line 3
Life line 4

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


When I started making comics, I always worked in that Hugo Pratt method, working in order, from page one onward, going panel by panel until the thing was done. This evolved into an assembly line procedure during the making of the original THB series, where I'd pencil, letter, ink and finish 16 pages at a time, using those two rows of eight as if they were a gigantic comics tableau. This is the most effective method for producing comics I know of, resulting in my being able to finish seventy completely print ready pages in one month, my most productive month ever.
My interest level for given images fluctuates throughout a work period, say, a month and I find it easier to work on many pages at once. Also, as my schedule became more hectic, I had no choice but to work on more than one project at once. That way is like skipping rope. I woke up that morning after Jenn's party knowing I'd worn my time down to a little wire, until it was as if a command from above announced, "You will quit fooling around, you will chain yourself to your drawing board and finish the fucking thing!"
Despite that, I didn't have "it" that day. "It" is that precious quantity which lets you make artwork which is better than good and sometimes "it" allows for work which is truly inspired, but I learned from working on monthly deadlines for Kodansha and Dark Horse, you couldn't depend on "it". I was capricious and wispy, disappearing for periods of time, sometimes only half returning, or returning for only half as long as you want it. It's also a problem to create work on deadlines without "it". That is a killer. Too much of that kind of thing will beat you into a peculiar kind of self-loathing, hard to describe, but which makes your face in the mirror unbearable for yourself to look at. But you can get "it" to come and stay with you when you have great discipline and work hard without distractions. That is why I like working for three days straight.
Those first few pages of Escapo are pure "it", and that set a standard I had to follow, which meant to keep on working until "it" came back, which "it" always does eventually. When I'm most discouraged and begin thinking I have no talent at all, I recognize that as the lowest point of the process of making art and ride it out. Looking back on Kirby's work, or Toth's, they seemed to always had "it", even in their obvious mistakes and sloppy work. I get mad at myself, then, for the vain luxury of complaint. You have no excuse, I say, or something in me says. You live in a part of the world where you can do just about anything you want. Not everything but anything. No one is firing mortar shells at your block. There are no attack dogs, no mustard gases are ruining you. No one is poaching you for your tusks. You've got no excuse. So I try brewing coffee, then change the music on the CD player. Nothing helps. So I leave my place. I don't do laundry, which is dirty and shoved into a narrow crevice in my closet. I don't do my dishes, dirty and even dusty in my sink. I don't pay the bills, in their eternally replenishing stack by the mailslot. I don't put gas in my car, which is always on empty. Instead, then, as I do now, when the deadline stress is too great, i wait until I'm hungry, then, go eat Indian food.
That day, I called Scott and we went to this place called Taj Mahal to eat Chicken Tikka Masala, spicy, with Naan, no butter. Aloo Matar, and Raita. Mint chutney, too. Lamb Korma, or a sizzling Tandoori platter. Or spicy curry chicken. And Chai or a King Fisher, or a Flying Horse. No dessert. Not long after he and I started working together, we established this custom of eating a big Indian dinner as we were about to enter a serious deadline period. This ritual is intended to brace yo for the hard week ahead, and let you celebrate it, too.
After all, deadlines are a part of this lifestyle, take it or leave it. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. And if you sometimes take a week, or even two, off and do absolutely nothing, you only really steal from some other week yet to come, and regardless, every third of fourth week seems to be this sleepless, fitful, awful deadline time, with fifteen hour a day work weeks. And you must learn to love this. It's your lot, your wife, your price. You must learn to love this stress and learn to how to burn with it, not be burnt by it, otherwise it is a miserable servitude without much recompense.
This is your garden, now cultivate it.

Paul Pope, from THB Circus